Monday, January 7, 2013

Charitable Wedding Favors

*Note: this post has been sitting unposted in my drafts for a while, sorry about that! I've been hard at work on my photography and had to take a temporary break from this but now that my site is up and running I can finally finish this post up. Thanks for your patience!*

It's just about the end of December, aka the most popular month for engagement. Whether it's the general spirit of the season or the fact that holiday gatherings with family are a great way to celebrate together, this month definitely beats all others in terms of the amount of engagements that occur. So why am I bringing that up? Because with all the upcoming weddings, this is an appropriate time to talk about charitable wedding favors!

I love the idea of them because average wedding favors, while great to have, seem to just sit on a shelf or in a box and collect dust. I've gotten some that I don't even know where they are anymore. So I'm very much in favor (no pun intended... didn't even realize that until I went back and re-read, ha!) of skipping the physical favor and putting that money to much better use. But how can you do that?

You could leave an announcement at each place setting, incorporate it into your escort cards, or place a sign somewhere (such as on your card table), but my favorite option gets your guests a little more involved.

I've read about a few couples who have chosen two or three charities to donate to and placed the info about each one at every guest's place setting. The guest then will choose which charity he or she would like their donation to support! Obviously they do this by checking one off, and then the cards would be collected at the end of the night. Choose a set amount that you want to donate per guest - a quick Google search leads me to believe that the average cost is somewhere around $2.00/person, so we'll use that for example.

Say you have 150 guests: 70 choose charity A and 80 choose charity B - that's $140 and $160, respectively. It's pretty easy to do, your guests will be involved in your donation, and you'll be helping more than one charity... It's a win-win situation!