Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School

It's taken me a few days to write this post because I honestly didn't know what to say, and in some way I still don't. No words could ever express how horrific last Friday was. While nothing will be able to heal the families of those who were affected by it, I wanted to write about what you can do to help.

  • This article on Mashable has a list of five ways to help through various campaigns. Three of which are taking donations specifically to go toward the school (which I assume would be given to help the families, but there is more information on the links that the Mashable article provides). Another is raising money to get security systems in place for Columbia Public Schools in order to "reduce the likelihood that a gunman can get in so freely," according to the Give Forward page that the campaign is hosted on. The last link is to a "wall of love" that's intended to show that there is more love than hate in the world. Sometimes donating monetarily isn't possible for some people, but the wall of love is something that we can all participate in.
  • The United Way of Western Connecticut has set up a fund for support services to the families and the community.
  • You may have heard that the Westboro Baptist Church were/are threatening to show up at services in Newtown. I don't even have to write about how ridiculous and disgusting this group of people is, I think everyone already knows this. There are a few petitions circulating with the hopes of doing something about them.  This one is to have them legally recognized as a hate group, and this one is to prevent them from protesting at Sandy Hook funerals. It really can't hurt to sign them both and hope that something actually comes from it.
  • Visit the Emilie Parker Fund on Facebook. If you can't donate, at least take the time to read about one of these young victims. It's important to keep the victims as the main focus, and forget about the shooter. If you turn on the television, the majority of it seems to be focused on him. Let's forget his name and focus on who is important.
  • Almost like the wall of love, Evergram is a way to send messages of support to the families. This way you can send a video, audio, or text note. 
  • Pray! It costs nothing, doesn't take much time, and everyone can do it. 

If there are other ways of helping, please leave a comment. 

Tomorrow I will be participating in the blogger day of silence, but Wednesday I am hoping to have a post featuring a Pay it Forward campaign for helping a some families in need this holiday season.

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